HOA Board Items
This area lists specific items related to the HOA Board members and the HOA Board meetings.

HOA meeting minutes are an official record of the actions taken by board members at a board meeting. The minutes section will display a list of posted minutes documents for your HOA Meetings. There should be one for each meeting of your HOA's board of directors.
Tap on any of these meeting minutes documents to read the document.
An Agenda sets out the list of items to be discussed at a meeting. It should include: The purpose of the meeting, and the order in which items are to be discussed, so that the meeting achieves its purpose. There should be one for each meeting of your HOA's board of directors.
Tap on any of these meeting agenda documents to read the document.
An HOA operating budget is a projection of the money needed by the association to cover its operating expenses and provide adequate reserves for repair and replacement of the elements of the property the HOA maintains. Typically, there should be one budget listed for each year.
Tap on any of these meeting budget documents to read the document.
Board Members
Typically, the officers of the Board of Directors are a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and member at large. This area will list all the members of your HOA's Board.